New vehicle checklist with everything you need to know
Benefits of buying on finance
Drive away sooner - no waiting to save.
Cashflow - use your money for essential expenses and other investments.
Build credit history - show future lenders you can pay off debt.
How much can I afford
Get repayment estimates using our smart loan calculator.
Get loan offers from lenders
Get pre-approved in minutes and choose the best offer from our panel of 30+ lenders.
Improve your chances for approval
We do the checks before lodgement and won’t share your application with the lender until we know it will be approved.
Get ready to drive away
Insurance - lenders require comprehensive insurance during loan settlement.
Check vehicle - bring a friend to pick-up the vehicle and check that it’s in the condition you expected.
Drive away - enjoy that ‘new’ car feeling!
Find your best deal in 3 easy steps
Choose your loan
We match your unique profile to your best pre-qualified rates. Choose your preferred lender, with 100% rate and fee transparency.

We do the checks
Your online application gets checked against 1,000+ lender policies before it's shared with a lender to protect your credit score.

Loan approved!
The fun part. Review final loan documents and get on the road!

Over 150,000 Aussies trust Driva to find their best rate
We match and compare 30+ lending options
Here are a few of our approved lender partners.

